Service Area: Chicago (IL) & nearby
Hours: Mon-Fri: 7AM-7PM; Sat: 10AM-5PM; Sun: 11AM-4PM
For automotive locksmith service assistance in the Chicago area, please submit your details using the form below.
Full Name
Contact Phone Number
Alternate Phone Number
Please Select the City Where the Service is Needed ChicagoEvanstonWilmetteSkokieNilesOak ParkElmwood ParkMelrose ParkDes PlainesFranklin ParkBensonvilleNorridgeCalumet CityBlue IslandNorthbrookMorton GrovePark RidgeOther
Complete Address
Exact 17 Digit VIN Number (Example – click here)
Color of Vehicle and License Plate Number
Service Request I am requesting service for myselfI am requesting service for another personOther
Ownership of Vehicle I am the registered owner of the vehicleI am an authorized user of the VehicleOther
Proof of Ownership or Use I have the registration that matches my IDI have a title, that matches my IDI have a rental agreement and my IDI have insurance that matches my ID
Where is the Vehicle Parked In front on the streetIn back of propertyIn a garageIn a parking structure
About the Vehicle Vehicle is lockedVehicle is unlockedI use the same key for the door and ignitionI use a separate key for the door and ignitionVehicle is a push to start
Vehicle Battery Condition Battery is excellent used recentlyBattery is medium, used in the last 7 daysUnsure of battery condition
Additional notes or comments
Upload Driver’s License
Upload Registration
Upload Proof of Insurance
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